
Monday, June 17, 2019

Auditing and Accounting Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Auditing and Accounting Ethics - Essay Examplelient.Loebbecke, A., (2000) mentioned that a self-review threat occurs when any product or judgment of a earlier presumption engagement or non- pledge engagement needs to be re-evaluated in reaching conclusions on the assurance engagement. When a component or member of the assurance team was previously a localizeor or officer of the assurance client or was an employee would be in a position to exert direct and solid influence over the subject matter of an assurance engagement. Examples of circumstances that whitethorn create this threat include, but atomic number 18 not limited to a member or member of the assurance team being, or having of late been, a member or member of the assurance team being, or having recently been, performing services for an assurance client that directly affect the subject matter of the assurance engagement.Mintz S. M. ... Examples of circumstances that may create this threat include, but are not limited t o dealing in, or being a promoter of, shares or other securities of an assurance client and acting as an advocate on behalf of an assurance client in litigation or in resolving disputes with third parties.Hayes, R., Dassen R., et al (2005) also noted that a familiarity threat occurs when, by law of a close relationship with an assurance client, its directors, officers or employees, a member, firm or member of the assurance team becomes too sympathetic to the clients interests. Examples of circumstances that may create this threat include, but are not limited to a member or member of the assurance team having an immediate family member or close relative who is a director member of the assurance team having an immediate family member or close relative who, a former match of the firm being a director or officer of the assurance client or an employee in a position to exert direct and significant influence over the subject matter of the assurance engagement, and acceptance of gifts or hospitality, unless the value is clearly insignificant, from the assurance client, its directors, officers or employees.An intimidation threat occurs when a member or member of the assurance team may be deterred from acting objectively and exercising professional skepticisms by threats, actual or perceived, from the directors, officers or employees of an assurance client. Examples of circumstances that may create this threat include but are not limited to threat of replacement due to a disagreement with the covering of an accounting principle and pressure to reduce inappropriately the extent of work performed in order to

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