
Saturday, August 31, 2019

Abortion and Lao Tzu’s Philosophy in Taoism: a Critique Essay

Taoism was founded by Lao Tzu, the father of Taoism. Lao Tzu believes that Tao is the Way which means that it is the Way of the ultimate reality; it is the Way of the universe; and it is the Way of human existence. Tao as the Way of the ultimate reality, can never be comprehended, described, perceived nor expressed. It can’t be comprehended by any mind. It can’t simply be described by mere words. It can never be perceived by any of our senses. Tao is the cause or the source of everything that exists. () Tao is too great to be spoken about that only those who really understand would not speak of it and that those who have talked about have not really grasped the true meaning of it. Tao as the Way of the ultimate universe is revealed in nature for it is beyond of our control. Nature has its own way that no one would be able to control its progressive move to change. According to Lao Tzu, the law of reversion is the fundamental law of change. This law implies that if there is a highest point there would also be a lowest point and vice versa just like if there is a beginning there will be an end or every ending has a new beginning. This law justifies that Tao has a â€Å"reversing movement† Lao Tzu further elaborates this reversing power through Yin and Yang, two opposing principle. Yin indicates darkness, femininity, and coldness while Yang indicates lightness, masculinity and hotness. These opposing forces could not attract each other without the help of the reversing movement of Tao. Therefore this lead to Lao Tzu to say that the Tao produces the one, that the one produces the two, and that the two produces the three. This means that the one is the Tao, the two is Tao and Yin, and the three is Tao, Yin, and Yang. (1) Tao as the Way of the human existence, Tao requires man to harmonize with nature. This is through practicing wu-wei-wu. This means â€Å"non-doing† or â€Å"do nothing† or in our modern expression â€Å"go with the flow†. But this meaning does not simply mean doing nothing it only implies to not intervene with nature’s own course. Through this practice of wu-wei-wu, man can harmonize with nature. However there are instances that people misinterpret the true definition of wu-wei-wu which is â€Å"doing nothing† and instead of harmonizing with nature it could lead to destruction of that harmony. Therefore people should further understand that you could actually do something but making sure not to disrupt nature’s natural course. In our world today, the application of Lao Tzu’s doctrine of Tao would be difficult since man has done much of overdoing that have lead to the destruction of nature. Man has succumbed to his obsession of trying to defy nature’s course of action especially in the field of science and technology. For instance, cloning, sperm implantation, sex change, and artificial contraception such as birth control pills and IUD. Therefore to summarize everything, Lao Tzu simply teaches that in Taoism man should learn to be one with nature and follow its course through the full understanding of Yin and Yang and its relation to Tao’s reversing movement and by practicing wu-wei-wu. ABORTION What is abortion? According to the dictionary, it is the removal of an embryo or fetus from the uterus. It can happen spontaneously or induced by human intervention. A spontaneous abortion or simply known as miscarriage occurs when a pregnant woman would experience some complications during her pregnancy. It could also happen possibly because of natural causes, accidents that may have caused a severe trauma to the abdomen or sometimes because of environmental factors. Miscarriages usually happen during the early stages of pregnancy and sometimes without the awareness of the mother. The risk for spontaneous abortion decreases after the 10th week from the last menstrual period. ()( ) An induced abortion is the type of abortion that we now simply call abortion. This is the type of abortion wherein there is already human intervention. This could be done in various ways depending on the gestational age of the embryo or fetus. There is therapeutic abortion which is done in order to save the life of the mother or to prevent any physical or mental risks. Also elective abortion which is done at the request of a woman for reasons other than maternal health or fatal disease. () However the type of abortion I am referring to as a social problem is the type where a woman chooses to terminate her own pregnancy simply because she doesn’t want the baby. It can’t be denied that there some people that would engage in something without even knowing the possible result of such action and if they are not prepared to face that consequence they would simply turn to this option, abortion. Abortion is the most convenient choice for those  people who are not prepared or who don’t want to have a child for their own certain reasons. They refused to accept the responsibility they need to accomplish. Abortions have become prevalent in our country today as evidenced by news reports about embryos or fetuses found together with the garbage, street alleys and sometimes even comfort rooms. There are many different ways that could be chosen to make such deed possible. An example would be the use of pharmaceutical drugs that are dangerous to the baby causing it to be aborted. Others could also purposely apply trauma to their abdomen disrupting the grip of the baby in the mother’s womb. Sometimes some would also prefer having the baby to be surgically removed from the uterus. The cause of these abortions is mainly centered on fear resulting to not accepting the pregnancy. Fear of the responsibility of having a child especially in terms of financial needs. Fear of what their parents or other people would say especially if they are not married. Fear to experience the hardships brought by 9 months of pregnancy and fear of the pain when giving birth. Sometimes the cause could also be anger or hatred because the child is the fruit of a horrific experience such as rape or maybe because hatred towards the father of the child. ABORTION AND LAO TZU’S PHILOSOPHY IN TAOISM: A CRITIQUE What is the relation of abortion with Lao Tzu’s Taoism? It’s simple. Lao Tzu’s teachings about Taoism is that it requires man to be in harmony with nature, to understand the concept of yin and yang and to let the course of nature continue and not interfere and abortion contradicts that teaching. Abortion, as I have observed, has become a common practice and mostly because some people simply could not accept the great responsibility that would lie ahead if they chose to continue the pregnancy. Some perceived it as a problem especially for teenagers who have engaged in premarital sex and are not yet prepared to face such responsibility. However if they’ve only seen in a different light just like Lao Tzu’s Taoism and its concept of yin and yang in relation to the Tao’s reversing Movement. In Taoism, the Tao as the Way of the ultimate universe have established that the fundamental law of change is the law of reversion. Therefore if you think that being pregnant is a punishment for something you were not supposed to do then it could also be a blessing that you should accept and be thankful for and not just merely end what is supposed to be a gift of life. Abortion should not be a choice unless the reason is for the welfare of the mother. This also brings us to the concept of yin and yang and the reversing movement of Tao. As stated before, Tao produces the one, the one produces the two, and the two produces the three and that the one refers to Tao, the two refers to Tao and yin and lastly the three refers to Tao, yin and yang. To translate this in relation to my problem, the Tao as the God in Taoism sometimes gives people a time of hardship for them to mature and this certain hardship which is unwanted pregnancy is yin. However if these two would be combined or connected in a certain way then maybe in time those people would be able to surpassed such hardship and continued the pregnancy amidst the possible difficulties ahead then they would feel a sense of fulfillment which is the yang. Now if only most people who have unwanted pregnancy would try to further understand their situation and let nature simply have its way and not turn to abortion as a solution then most would have enjoyed the joy of having such a beautiful blessing which is having a child. As for the concept of wu-wei-wu in Taoism which entails that man should do nothing to interfere with nature’s own course, abortion directly contradicts the idea because last time I checked being pregnant is only a natural response of a certain deed done by two people with opposite sex. Choosing to abort and terminate pregnancy disrupts nature’s way. It interferes with what is supposed to be natural. All and all, abortion contradicts Taoism because it would break the harmony of man with nature. Therefore to avoid such, we should simply accept what was supposed to be an expected result our action. We need to perceive our problems in a different light and try to solve it by doing what is right and not by choosing the fastest solution available. For people who have unwanted pregnancy, there are other options that could be considered other than abortion such as adoption. If their only fear is that they can’t handle the responsibility of being a parent then they could always try finding couples who wants to adopt at least with this option they did not only gave the baby a chance to live they have also given other people a chance to experience the joy of parenthood and with this option the harmony between man and nature could still be maintained. (). ——————————————– [ 2 ]. Eddie R. Babor, The Human Person: Not Real, But Existing, 2nd ed. Quezon City: C & E Publishing, 2007 [ 3 ]. ^ a b â€Å"Q&A: Miscarriage†. BBC. 2002-08-06. http://news. bbc. co. uk/2/hi/health/2176898. stm. Retrieved 2009-04-07 [ 4 ]. ^ Nilsson, Lennart; Lars Hamberger (1990) [1965]. A child is born. Garden City, New York: Doubleday. p. 91. ISBN 0-385-40085-3. OCLC 21412111 [ 5 ]. ^ Encyclopedia Britannica, (2007), Vol 26, p. 674. [ 6 ]. Taryn Hodgson, Joy! Magazine, May ed. (Volume 16, Issue 3).

Friday, August 30, 2019

Stefan’s Diaries: Bloodlust Chapter 11-12

Chapter 11 Outside, I let the girl lead me away from the drunken crowd and toward a side alley beyond a bar called Calhouns. â€Å"Im sorry,† she said breathlessly. â€Å"I dont know what came over me. Im usually not so fresh, its just that–â€Å" â€Å"Im thankful for it,† I said, interrupting her. She shivered, and I put my arms around her thin frame. Instantly, she pulled away. â€Å"Youre so cold!† she said in an accusatory tone. â€Å"Am I?† I asked, feigning nonchalance.You want to kiss me, I thought. She shrugged. â€Å"Its okay. Its just that Im sensitive to temperature. But I know a way we could both warm up.† She smiled shyly, then raised up to her tiptoes. Her lips pressed against mine, and for a moment, I allowed myself to enjoy their warmth and feel the girls blood race through her veins as she gave herself over to me. Then I lunged for her neck. â€Å"Ow!† She protested, trying to push me off. â€Å"Stop!† You will succumb, because if you do that, I'll let you live, I thought, using every fiber of my being to compel her at this crucial moment. She gazed up at me, confusion in her eyes, before she fell back over my arms, her face a mask of sleepy satisfaction. I took a few more sips of the blood, all too conscious of Lexi and the others back inside. Then I dragged the woman up to her feet. Id been careful. The holes Id made in her neck were tiny, almost impossible to see with human vision. Still, I adjusted her scarf around her neck to cover them up. â€Å"Wake up,† I whispered softly. Her eyes opened, the gaze unfocused. â€Å"What where am I?† I could sense her heart beating faster, sense her ready to let loose a scream. â€Å"You were helping a drunk customer,† I told her. â€Å"You are free to go. I was simply making sure you were okay.† She snapped to attention, her body relaxing. â€Å"I apologize, sir. Usually, the patrons dont get so rowdy at Miladies. Thank you for assisting me. Ill give you a whiskey, on the house,† she said, winking at me. I walked into Miladies beside her, and was rewarded with Lexis slow smile from the corner table. Good job, boy. I followed the girl until she safely resumed her position behind the polished wood counter of the bar. â€Å"Whats your poison?† she asked, whiskey bottle in hand. She looked pale, as if she were coming down with a slight cold. Meanwhile, her blood was warm in my stomach. â€Å"Ive drunk quite enough, thank you, miss,† I said, as I took her hand and brought it up to my lips, kissing it as tenderly as Id marked her neck. Chapter 12 The following evening Lexi knocked on my bedroom door. She wore a black coat and matching trousers. A cap hid most of her hair, save for a few blond tendrils that fell loose and framed her face. â€Å"I was proud of you last night,† she said. I smiled, despite myself. It was surprising how quickly I took to seeking Lexis approval. â€Å"How much did you take from the barmaid?† â€Å"Not too much. But I wanted more,† I admitted. A look I couldnt quite decipher passed over her face. â€Å"I used to be like you, you know. But the more you feed from humans, the hungrier you get. Its a curse. But there are other ways. Have you hunted for animals blood?† I shook my head no. â€Å"Well, luckily for you, Im going hunting now,† she said, â€Å"and youre coming with me. Put on dark clothes and meet me downstairs in five minutes.† I shrugged on a dark, military-looking jacket Id found hanging in the closet and raced downstairs, loath to put off hunting with Lexi for even five minutes. While I bristled at Buxtons comments about how inexperienced I was, when I heard it from Lexi, I was only eager for a lesson on how our kind survived. We walked out the door, no trace of sunlight in the inky black sky. I sniffed the air, searching out the scent of the nearest human, then stopped when I saw Lexi staring at me with a knowing look. Instead of turning left, toward the bustle of Bourbon Street, she turned right, snaking through side streets until we reached a forest. Above us the trees were bare and ghostly against the dark night sky, the moon our only light. â€Å"There are deer here,† Lexi said, â€Å"and squirrels, bears, rabbits. I think theres a den of foxes that way,† she added, walking into the thick, mossy woods. â€Å"Their blood smells earthier than human blood, and their hearts beat much more rapidly.† I followed her lead. Quickly and silently, we darted from tree to bush without disturbing the underbrush. In a way, it felt like we were playing a game of hide-and-seek, or just playing at hunting, the way young schoolboys do. After all, as a human, Id always carried a weapon on the hunt. Now all I had were my fangs. Lexi held up a hand. I paused, midstep, my eyes darting everywhere. I didnt see anything but thick trunks and racing ants in jagged stumps. Then, without warning, Lexi lunged. When she stood up, blood was dripping from her fangs, and a self-satisfied smile appeared on her face. A creature lay on the fallen leaves, its legs bent as if it were still mid-run. She gestured to the lump of orangish-red fur. â€Å"Fox isnt bad. Would you like to try it?† I knelt down, my lips curling as they made contact with the rough fur. I forced myself to gingerly take a sip of liquid, though, as I knew it was what Lexi wanted. I sucked in, and immediately the blood seared my tongue. I spit it out violently. â€Å"Fox is an acquired taste, I suppose,† Lexi said as she knelt on the ground by my side. â€Å"More for me, at least!† While Lexi fed, I leaned against a tree trunk and listened to the rustling sounds of the forest. The breeze shifted, and suddenly the scent of iron-rich blood was everywhere. It was sweet and spicy, and it wasnt coming from Lexis fox. Somewhere, nearby, there was a human heart, beating out seventy-twothu-thudsa minute. Cautiously I slipped past Lexi, and ventured out past the perimeter of the forest. Set up on the edge of the lake was a shantytown. Tents were pitched at every angle, and makeshift clotheslines ran between wooden posts. The whole setup looked haphazard, as if the inhabitants knew theyd have to pick up and relocate at any second. The camp looked deserted save for one woman who was bathing, the moonlight striking her ivory skin. She was humming to herself, washing the caked dirt off her hands and face. I hid behind a large oak tree, pretending to take the woman by surprise. But then a large painted poster on a neighboring tree caught my eye. I took a step toward it. A branch cracked, the woman whirled around, and I could sense Lexi behind me. â€Å"Stefan,† Lexi murmured, obviously aware of the unfolding scene. But this time, I was the one to hold up my hand to silence her. Mist floated over the portrait on the sign, but the printing was clear:PATRICK GALLAGHERS FREAK SHOW: VAMPIRE VERSUS BEAST. BATTLE TO THE DEATH! OCTOBER 8. I blinked, and the portrait swam into my vision. It was of a dark-haired man with chiseled features and pale-blue eyes. His teeth were bared, his canines elongated, and he was crouched opposite a snarling mountain lion. I knew the face on the poster better than I knew my own. It was Damon.

Middle School and Happiness Essay

Happiness comes in all shapes and sizes. What makes you happy may not make someone else happy. The idea of happiness may not be the same for any two people, or maybe not for anyone you come across with. Happiness is an emotion causes by thousands of things. It is an abstract idea that cannot be fully described. What makes you happy changes as you get older, you do not like the same things your whole life so it is normal that your interests start to change. Like mentioned before not everyone has the same interests and cannot feel happiness from the same things. From firsthand experience I can say that I am the perfect example of finding different happiness. They have changed from my years in elementary school, middle school, and high school. Let’s start with elementary school. When I was in elementary school what brought me happiness was having time to spend at my friend’s house after school. Because I lived far away from the school that I attended I didn’t really know anyone in my neighborhood. There were days though that my parents would let me go to a friend’s house and stay there for a few hours while they got out of work. I didn’t have to be at my grandma’s house bored so that made me really happy, and I had a lot of fun while I was there so that made it even better. Another thing that made me feel happiness was being able to go two days out of the week to band practice. I liked being able to play my instrument and making beautiful sound come out of something so little. Playing with the band was my thing I could not stop smiling and feeling all this joy inside as I played. When the director put his arms up and signaled us to start playing was so thrilling knowing that we were about to make beautiful music all together. I think back and see how simple things made me really happy as a child. Now let’s talk about middle school. While I was in middle school I was still in band and yes it still brought me happiness. The main thing that brought me happiness while I was in middle school was being a little more free from home and my parents. If I remember correctly it was seventh grade that I went to my first dance, you can imagine my excitement. When I was at the dance my friends and I were having a great time, we were laughing and  dancing the whole time. Because it was my first dance it was a very fun time, and it brought so much happiness to be able to share that experience with my friends. When I was in high school all of my interests changed and even now I have the same interests. I found my passion for singing so I auditioned to join the school choir and I made it. Being in choir class was the best thing that I did when I was in high school. The happiness that I felt when I walked into that class every day I have no words to describe it. To top it all off when I started to sing and hear the chords we would all make together gave me the chills. There was not a single day that passed where hearing myself and others around me sing was not magical. When I would have a bad day I waited for third period to talk into class grab my folder from my cubic and start to sing and just forget about everything. Music was my escape from being upset, it was the way for me to forget about what was going on in my life. The happiness I felt was so great, even now I turn to music for help and comfort. In conclusion, happiness is an abstract emotion that cannot be easily defined. Not everyone feels happiness in the exact same way or from the same things. But no matter where our happiness comes from we all feel it. We feel it as kids, as teenagers, and as adults. Even though what causes us happiness may change the characteristics of it do not. The smile, the giggle, and the butterflies in your stomach do not disappear. From firsthand experience I know that we all go through phases, but not matter how old we get, we are always going to be happy.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Human Resource Management in its Environment Essay - 2

Human Resource Management in its Environment - Essay Example These are based on opposing views of human nature and managerial control strategies. Employers have been accepting a range of ‘soft’ and ‘hard’ people-centered practices associated with human resource management (Cunningham & Hyman, 1999). HRM can thus be interpreted as a ‘soft’, developmental humanist approach or a ‘hard’, situational contingent approach (Kane, Crawford & Grant, 1999). Storey distinguishes between hard and soft forms of HRM, typified by the Michigan and Harvard models respectively (HRM Guide, 1997). The Harvard model of HRM or hard HRM by Beer et al focuses on the resource side of human resources and the control lies in the hands of the management. It is quantitative and costs are calculated in the form of headcount. In this approach, contend Truss et al, the human resource practices and policies are closely related to the strategic objectives of the organization (external fit) but are also coherent among themselves (internal fit). The soft model proposed by the Michigan School is a strategic approach and endorses management’s views (Gill, 1999). The soft HRM thus deals with the ‘human’ aspect of HRM and is concerned with communication and motivation. It deals with the utilization of individual talents and McGregor’s Theory Y perspective on individuals, which means developmental humanism (Truss et al). This is based on the assumption that people should be led rather than managed. This implies that people should be so motivated that commitment springs from within. The behavior becomes self-regulated rather than be controlled or imposed. Hence people do not work under external pressures and there is an environment of mutual trust within the organization. Soft HRM is also associated with goals of flexibility and adaptability where communication plays a great role. The soft version assumes that employees will work best when they are committed to the organization. They would not

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Introduction to business, macro environmental factors (PESTLE) Essay

Introduction to business, macro environmental factors (PESTLE) - Essay Example This structure was a result of various acquisitions that have taken place over the period of time. Detailed analysis of the history of Borders Group and its subsequent liquidation indicated that failure to adapt to market changes and technological advancement coupled with faulty investments and financial decisions lead to the demise of this once glorious chain of bookstores. The founders of this group are also the pioneers when it comes to superstores in published books industry after Barnes & Noble (Peterson, 2011). The traditional image of small-scale alley shops was replaced by Tom and Louis Borders in 1971 when they opened major stores in different states. In addition to many published books available under one roof, their Book Inventory System which was originally designed to support their sales and inventory management, also formed a major part of the products that they were offering. Following Borders group’s stake in published books market, it was purchased by Kmart ho wever the deal was not as successful as expected and later on lead to divestment in 1995. After this separation, Borders group expanded its operations internationally in Europe, Australia and Singapore (Fundinguniverse, 2011). ... blishing self-owned stores however due to excessive market competition in physical book stores and also other market players like Amazon, Borders group faced aggressive competition. Due to this market condition, Borders group sustained immense losses and filed for bankruptcy in United States followed by subsequent closure of over 30 stores only in UK. As of now, all the directly or partly owned stores of Borders groups have been sold or closed down (Fundinguniverse, 2011). It is important to note that Borders group’s problem was not the changing market space and consumers’ demand but its rather sluggish approach towards the adaptation of changes. With major capital invested in physical stores, the cost of running the stores became extremely high. It did try to create an online presence in 2001 after emergence of Amazon.com and other e-book retailers however the results were not encouraging enough. Where Amazon was in the market after 1995 and had a stable establishment by 2000, it was already too late for Borders group to compete with the diverse and highly personalized nature of service offered by it (Wasserman, 2012). After being unable to have a successful presence, Borders group formed an alliance with Amazon which proved fatal in the long-run. The alliance ended in 2007 with another attempt of forming online presence in 2008 however increasing overhead, operations and interest expenses along with many changes taking place in organization’s management, the group was struggling to stay liquidated which further resulted in further bankruptcy of the group in 2011. Although over the period of time, Borders group added many features to its stores in the form of espresso bars and personalized service of its employees (who were already learned individuals with

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Critical writing Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Critical writing Questions - Essay Example (Harding 12-16) My feminist literary critic examines Daviss later on works and reassessing the input in her later fiction to the causes of social reform. Davis Harding explored the tormented conflict, for her female characters, of marriage and professional work. Her works seemingly are exclusive longings for both family and artistic fulfillment but never arrive at a suitable resolution. Occasionally she celebrated the delight of domestic life. More often than not, she articulated ambivalence about the academically or creatively motivated woman. (Harding 21). In conclusion, in view Harding’s work as a critique of inactive Christianity. However, Davis Harding’s works of irony fall short of addressing sufficiently the outstanding constructive essentials of Life in the Iron Mills. On the other hand, her tale is a conversion tale that does not meet justice to Hardin’s text

Monday, August 26, 2019

The Mona Lisa Biography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Mona Lisa Biography - Essay Example Leonardo da Vinci started working on the on the portrait in 1503 through1506 but kept the portrait until he passed away in 1519. Since then, the portrait has gone round so many people, and presently resides in the Louvre Museum in Paris (Henry and Dana, 49). Da Vinci, an Italian, was an artist who lived during the renaissance period, and was also involved in mathematics, engineering and music among other disciplines. He painted various other pictures apart from the Mona Lisa. It is alleged that he worked on this painting until the time of his death in 1519. The painting was not acclaimed as a masterpiece immediately; it took about 300 years to be recognized outside Italy, the country of origin. In the painting, da Vinci has applied new and innovative techniques at the same time; among the techniques was sfumato and chiaroscuro. Using these techniques, Mona Lisa’s skin appears as if glowing from the oil layers. The anonymity in the portrait lies in the figure behind it, the background and the smile, that many state as iconic. The portrait was transferred to King Francois I after the death of Leonardo da Vinci. The King was an art lover who had collections in his room in the Palace of Fontainebleau. The room was eventually converted into a gallery. Afterwards the portrait was taken to Palace of Versailles, and later taken by King Napoleon for hanging in his bedroom in the Tuileries Palace. The Kings of France considered the Mona Lisa as a prized possession and the portrait was moved through various royal residences over time. In 1793, the Mona Lisa was taken to the Louvre in Paris, as part of the royal art collection. The painting has since had a lot of interesting escapades that have left me fascinated. In 1911, the Mona Lisa was stolen by three men, Vincenzo Perugia and two others. The men gracefully removed the glass casing that was protecting the painting and tucked the painting in a blanket before leaving the

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Anti war Movement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Anti war Movement - Essay Example The strength of the movement lay also in the fact that it moved past the politics of the Cold War despite being temporally located in the heyday of this ideological and military struggle between the two power blocs. The democratizing potential of this is apparent since it brought the world together in movement that was humanitarian and anti-authoritarian at the same time (Frey, 2008). In fact, the basic objective of the movement was to abstain from siding with the ideology of either superpower. It is perhaps also significant that this moment coincided with the era of decolonization across the world where erstwhile colonized nations unwilling to compromise their sovereignty by aligning with Euro-American powers voiced their support for the cause of nuclear disarmament. It is important to note that the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament in Great Britain far from being a sporadic movement had firm roots in the origin of the Cold War where several â€Å"international pacifists† who had organized strategic protests against the atomic bomb (Klimke 2012). The movement in Great Britain may thus be viewed as a successful culmination of the many efforts aimed at disarmament. 2. What role has internet played in the anti-Iraq war protest? The protest against the Iraq War, much like its precedent, the Nuclear Disarmament movement, was based in international cooperation. The protest also witnessed the extensive of use an entirely new medium of expression-the internet. The internet had certain obvious advantages over the more traditional methods of voicing dissent-it could bring together people and their opinions on a common platform without necessitating physical movement over long distances and significantly, authoritarian censorship is more difficult to impose on the internet than in protest marches and demonstrations. Pickerill and Webster in their essay â€Å"The Anti-War/Peace Movement in Britain and the Conditions of Information War† discussing the idea of â€Å"Information War† which denotes both â€Å"weaponry† which makes use of computer technology for greater precision in combat and attack, as well as the â€Å"symbolic realm† where ideas and images are employed to convey specifically targeted meaning. While the intensity of casualties rose steadily in war propelled by the â€Å"microelectronics revolution,† this also meant that there was extensive media coverage of the war which in turn conferred onto people the knowledge hitherto denied them to generate anti-war sentiments (408-10, n.d.). It is interesting to note that unlike most of its predecessors, the anti-Iraq War movement did not cease to operate after the ostensible end of the war and continued to protest in the subsequent years against the insidious ways in which military occupation and economic depletion have perpetuated Western control over Iraq’s political freedom. This too was perhaps made possible because of the internet which kept the memory of the war through the many blogs and websites which advertise their cause in numerous pages that an average internet user is likely to visit. Pickerill and Webster however warn against the debilitating effects of using the internet for anti-war protest as well as they argue that the sweeping generalizations on the internet often assume a homogeneous readership, eliding thereby the

Saturday, August 24, 2019

What are the key characteristics of a social movement Use examples to Essay

What are the key characteristics of a social movement Use examples to explain any theoretical concepts you use - Essay Example Various social movements have different motivation for their actions, depending on their surrounding social, economic, and political environments. However, there are some key features that are common or at least applicable to most of them. My essay seeks to identify these key features as well as cite a few examples to explain the various theoretical concepts within the dynamics of a social movement. There are different types of social movements which have been identified by sociologists all over the world. These types are categorized depending on their scope; the type of change they advocate for or bring; their target groups; and how they operate. Considering scope, we can classify social movement as a reform or radical. A radical social movement aims to change certain value systems in a fundamental way. A good example of such a movement is the American Civil Rights Movement whose main aim was to fight for maximum civil rights for all Americans irrespective of the race they belonged to. There is also South Africa’s Shack Dwellers Movement, popularly known as ‘Abahali baseMjondolo,’ which fights for shack dwellers’ place in the city life. Reform social movement, on the other hand, works to change some norms and laws. Trade unions and green belt movements fall under this category (Ballard, et al., 2005, p622, Kendall, 2011, p. 540). A social movement may also be categorized depending on the type of change it intends to make. Under this we have innovation movement which aims to introduce or amend a given value. For instance, we have singularitarianism movement which fights for safety of technological singularity. We also have the conservative movement concerned with the preservation of current values and norms. A good example is the current movement against the introduction of genetically modified organisms. In addition, social movement may

Friday, August 23, 2019

How will I utilize these funds to change my community for the better Scholarship Essay

How will I utilize these funds to change my community for the better - Scholarship Essay Example The out-of-school black youths have become a problem in our community. Aside from being a wasted potential labor force, they have become concerns of the government. With the funds that I will be receiving, I plan to gather them in a meeting and a fun time, where I would be able to relay to them the things I have learned from school; therefore they can get updated with the new knowledge taught at the university. It can be two-sessions per month during my free days, and it will consist of both a serious study and sharing of knowledge, and a fun-filled play and snack time. I will specifically use the funds for the buying of teaching materials and food. In line with this, I will also share with them some ways to earn extra income such as possible part-time jobs that they can involve in so as to save money for their schooling. These can be in the form of small enterprise or cooperative that will help these young blacks earn a living. To boost our budget and power, I will coordinate with our city-government for further financial and manpower support. In this way, we can give hope to the out-of-school black youths.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Depend on the information that will given Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Depend on the information that will given - Essay Example A lot of different countries all over the world tried school uniform but later on were forced to abolish it due to the liberalization of the society. In the United States, the policy of mandatory school uniform started in the end of 1980s and it was aimed at decreasing gang formation and bullying (Han 1). Hence, according to Guerino et al., national reports indicate significant negative tendency in behavior of students that are prone to display violence and abuse (2). Currently, facing the question of imposing uniform on their children, many parents have rather polysemantic opinion about it despite the fact that they used to wear uniform themselves in early school years. Majority of parents do not prefer the idea of egalitarianism, some people do not like the design or comfort of the concrete uniform, and others on the contrary view the uniform as a solution to financial problem. Analyzing all advantages and disadvantages of uniform policy, it is fair to state that there are number o f reasons for approval of mandatory unified cloths in educational institutions. Firstly, uniform eliminates social conflicts because children are not encouraged to amaze each other with new trendy cloths and stand out of the crowd. There is no opportunity to judge classmates by their cloth and organize social groups according to the financial status of a child. Secondly, uniform creates conducive school environment and maintains discipline as it is supposed that looking formal helps students feel and behave more professionally. Thirdly, with the help of mandatory uniform policy, it is less complicated to ensure safety within a campus. When everyone is wearing the same attire, any intruder to the territory of a school can be easily identified. In addition to the decrease of social tension, egalitarianism diminishes economic barriers between learners, whose decision-making process regarding what they should wear in the morning is simplified considerably. Moreover, general uniform does not affect family budget in the same rate as diversified wardrobe of the child that is supposed to take place in case there is no mandatory uniform. It is quite obvious that one complete set of uniform costs much cheaper than several attires for a child to alternate with each other. Furthermore, no matter whether uniform is obligatory or not, school’s administration still must control outward appearance of the students and set limitations and basic rules of dress code for not letting children to cross the line of permissibility and decorum. However, in case all students are forced to wear unified cloths, the need to keep an eye on children’s look and provide further restrictions and punishments for not following the rules languishes. Also, a lot of experts consider that wearing uniform develops team building and strengthens school spirit. All these educe pride for educational institution and enhance fellowship between students, who get the same conditions, opportuniti es and treatment. Looking more as integrity than varicolored mass helps unite the collective and foster so-called corporate ethics. Analyzing aesthetics, it should be stressed that not all parents have a good taste therefore frequently children may look inelegantly and even preposterous meanwhile properly sewed uniform is able to liquidate some flaws in person’s appearance. Finally, the most important argument that convinces to stick to the uniform policy is

My Tuesday with Morrie Essay Example for Free

My Tuesday with Morrie Essay Life is a class, from the day we came to the day we leave. In this class, we learn to learn, learn to live, learn to accept relationships, learn to face death, and learn to adapt to this long and fancy journey of life. Since our childhood, we constantly wonder what our futures will be. Our future life style, future career, the coming deterioration of our body functions and even death, are all in blur that whenever we think of them, we will be occupied by fear. Sometimes, we cannot help but ask: what is the feeling of death? Where will we go after we die? It is always hard for us to be easy with death because we fear it. Therefore, we rush to work hard to get what we desire within the short span of life. However, it is a pathetic fact that we are sometimes blinded and lose what we really need when pursuing what we â€Å"desire†. Even worse, we will not realize it until we are about to die. Tuesday with Morrie can help us realize it before hand. My Encounter with Tuesday with Morrie I am really grateful for this course and Miss Yang. Thank you for giving me a chance to read Tuesday with Morrie, a book that enlightened me in understanding the meaning of life. I am the same kind of people as Mitch Albom, who is always occupied by work and spare no time in other parts of life. When I was reading this book on every Thursday, I put myself in Mitch’s position. The Abstract of the Story Tuesday with Morrie tells a real story about an old professor, Morrie  Schwartz, who had been gradually paralyzed by ALS and was about to die. His student, Mitch Albom, accidently saw his professor being interviewed in the television. Shocked by the upcoming death of his dear professor, Mitch went to meet Morrie in order to grasp some time to say goodbye to the professor who inspired him during college. During the last three months, no matter how busy Mitch was, he would went to see Morrie on Tuesdays to attend Morrie’s lessons about the meanings of life. They talked a lot ranging from death, love, marriage to culture etc. Inspired by the lesson, Mitch realized that love dwarfs all the fame and fortune. Luckily, he successfully saved a precious relationship. Three Kinds of Attitudes towards Life Life is the same process for everyone which stars from birth, living to death. However, everyone has his own particular understanding of life. In my opinion, most of the attitudes towards life can be divided into three main categories. Those who have monotonous and dull lives conceive life as a process of birth, eating, drinking, sleeping, getting married, growing old and finally going to the heaven, which is apparently meaningless. The second type views life as a trade. Their theme of life is what they can obtain from life. Their spontaneous reaction to any new experience is bound to be: what it worth to me? In the world built on this kind of attitude, happiness turns out to be a competition. Most people in the modern world are living with this life style where competition and efficiency dwarf everything. The third kind of attitude expresses a theme: what I can bring into life. Their objective is to bring others happiness, which eventually will bring happiness to themselves. I admit that I am in the second category. Tuesday with Morrie taught me how to move into the third. Cherish What You Own at the Present. In Tuesday with Morrie, Professor urged us to remember a philosophy: â€Å"If youre always battling against getting older, youre always going to be unhappy, because it will happen anyhow.† Since we cannot reject it, why don’t we just ignore it and cherish what we have right now? We should enjoy every stage of our lives. When we are kids, we should enjoy playing and being an innocent kid. When we are adults, we should enjoy working hard,  giving out, embracing love and being an enthusiastic adult. When we are old, we should enjoy the peace of life and being an experienced yet calm old man or woman. As long as we accept who we are right now and learn to enjoy it, every stage is meaningful and wonderful for us. Many of us skip other processes lying in the middle but only see the very end of life and therefore rush every day to try to obtain more, more and more. This is not living. Realize What We Need In the modern world, there are innumerable people like Mitch, who was always occupied by his work, by his pursuing of fame and fortune. Though I am still a student, I have already been trapped in this kind of life style, too. Due to the countless homework and researches, I barely have time to have fun with friends or care for my families. I can obtain all I desire but I seldom feel quite happy. I was confused and could not find a way out. Morrie helped me. He said that when you learn how to die, you learn how to live. Death is a wake-up call for all of us. When faced with death, all the fortune and fame, those we desire and fight for in our whole life, become useless. There was an experiment carried out among students. They were given five stuffs, including a box of matches, a Channel perfume, an LV bag, a Benz car and a big house. Everyone was given a few million dollars and they could buy whatever they want. The result shows no one ever chose to buy the matches. However, when the professor assumed that the students were in a deserted island, all the students bought the matches. It is obviously that, compared with a box of matches, those luxuries are of no use in the deserted island. Matches can start fire to warm, to cook and to make signals. That was what they need. Nowadays, people are hard to be satisfied because they are always pursuing things much more than they actually need. If we can learn lessons from Morrie’s death or the students’ realization in the experiment, we can figure out how much we have already owned and suddenly we can get away from the depression of the constant struggle for more and start to enjoy living itself. It is a pity that the modern world encourages the second type of life style I mentioned above. A set pattern designed by the society forces us to struggle  for colleges, exams, promotions, money, marriages, houses and cars etc. It seems every one takes it for granted and has been accustomed to it. We lost our judgment. Morrie, as a man dying soon, told us that wealth could not buy happiness and contentment. Life should not have been that hard. My Changes after Reading the Book When Morrie asked Mitch to drop by every Tuesday, Mitch hesitated and said he might not be able to because he was so busy. However, he made it. After reading Morrie’s fourteen lessons on the meaning of life, I decided to learn from both Morrie and Mitch. I have to abandon my forever excuse: I am so occupied and I have no time. I started calling my parents and my sister regularly and occasionally went out with friends, as well as doing some charity works. Amazingly, it suddenly occurred to me that I am a human, a living human. Though it is hard to suddenly change from type two person to type three, who can live as wisely as Morrie, I am working on it and I am making progress.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Nmc Code Of Conduct Nursing Essay

The Nmc Code Of Conduct Nursing Essay Nursing is a profession regulated by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC 2008). The NMC is an organisation set up by the Parliament to protect the public by ensuring that nurses and midwives provide high standards of care to their patients. These healthcare professionals are also accountable for their own actions. The body sets standards for education, practice and conduct as well as providing advice for nurses and midwives. The NMC also considers allegations of misconduct or unfitness to practice. Using the case study given, it shall be the authors aim to demonstrate the understanding of the NMC Code of Conduct suggesting ways in which it can be applied to practice. In order to comply with the NMC Code of Conduct of confidentiality, the patient to be discussed in this assignment will be referred to as Mrs X. Furthermore the author will explore the four main principles of the code relating them to issues arising out of the case study. The author will also demonstrate the understan ding of ethical issues arising, analysing and discussing autonomy, non-maleficence, beneficence and justice. The case study refers to an 80 year old woman with a hip fracture, admitted to a hospital ward from a nursing home and urgently added to the operation list. She is bedridden, with severe heart problem and in early stages of Alzheimers disease and appeared to be coherent and lucid as recorded. She agreed to have a hip replacement operation after the consultant explained the procedure. On her way to theatre, she changes her mind and the consultant was informed. The consultant insists on proceeding, citing a busy week ahead and commenting that these elderly confused patients dont know their own mind. According to the NMC Code of Conduct, a healthcare professional has a duty to care and protect the interest of those in their care regardless of age, gender, culture, religious and political beliefs. Mrs X is 80 years old but the professionals still have a duty of care and must protect her interests. An interview was carried out by the medical staff and the patient appeared coherent and lucid but Mrs X has changed her mind on route to theatre. This author will critically examine the procedures that followed. The consultant explained the procedure to the patient who agreed to have the operation. Thompson et al (1994) stated that communication is one of the fundamental aspects in nursing The consultant was informed of the patients decision to change her mind on the operation and responds stating that We will have to proceed. As a nurse one could argue that the consultant should respect this decision as going against it would be breaching the NMC code. Mrs Xs decision to change her mind on the way to theatre, not wanting to go ahead with the operation should be respected. Hope et al (2008) stated that a patients autonomy can result in conflict, raise ethical dilemmas and may not be straight forward. Autonomy is defined as the right to choose or refuse treatment .Beauchamp and Childress (2009). The consultant could also argue that he is working in the best interest of the patient but does this override the patients right to make her own decision? Beauchamp and Childress (2009) stated that individuals views and rights must be respected as long as these individuals thoughts and action do not cause harm to other people. The NMC makes a point of highlighting the point of advocating for patients. In this instance, the nurse faces the ethical dilemma of standing up to the consultant and advocating for the patien t in order to uphold the code. Thompson (2003, cited in Buka, 2008) suggests that ethics is a study of how people behave, what they do, the reasons they give for their actions and the justification behind their decision. The need to maintain professional boundaries as well means that nurses have to raise their points in a manner that does not destabilise the team. Each and every member of the healthcare team must act as the patients advocate and remind or challenge colleagues should they fail to practice according to standards, Hindle and Coates (2011). If any medical team members working with the consultant on Mrs Xs case are not in agreement with his decision to proceed, they should challenge or remind him of the ethical code stipulating that the patients decision must be respected. When healthcare professionals are faced with dilemmas, patients should always come first. Childs et al (2009) states that when considering our actions we are bound by NMC codes, standards and guideline s, for students guidelines set by their training institution by local standards and guidelines within the clinical practice area and by the law of the country. It is unprofessional and unlawful to force treatment on anyone. Although the consultant explained the procedure, one could argue that making information available is different from effective communication. Consent was given the first time but the patient later changed her mind. An exploration for her reason to change her mind should have taken place and at least inform the patient that the operation was going ahead and the reasons for going ahead. The wording used by the consultant could be a concern. We will have to proceed. We have a very busy week ahead; these elderly confused patients dont know their own mind. Carry on as usual. One could interpret that the consultant is suggesting that when people get old, they automatically become confused; which could be stereotyping amounting to discrimination which is against the law. This could be taken to suggest that the consultant is of the assumption that the elderly are confused and dont know whats good for themselves and so should have decisions made for them. Patients are supposed to be treated with dignity, respect and as individuals considering their physical, psychological and social care with decisions made in partnership with clinicians, rather than by clinicians alone according to DOH (2010). Hendnrick (2004) defines consent as the permission given by patient voluntarily, without pressure, force or manipulation or undue influence. The NMC emphasises that healthcare professionals must seek consent from their patients otherwise they might be liable to be charged with assault or battery. The consent could either be in writing or verbal. In the event of a law suit, such documents and discussions can then be used in courts of law. Although Mrs X had given consent for the operation to proceed, health professionals should respect the withdrawal of consent. Proceeding with the planned operation against Mrs Xs wish amounts to violation of her rights and the nurse has a duty to highlight this aspect. The Mental Capacity Act (2005) was established to empower and to protect vulnerable people in making their own decisions. In particular, this was to safeguard those who lack capacity and those who have difficulties in making decisions because of illness, disability and those with mental health problems. The mental capacity act has four main principles of capacity: A person must be assumed to have capacity unless it is proved otherwise. Mrs X should be deemed to have capacity as she was interviewed and appeared coherent and lucid. Any act or decision taken on behalf of someone lacking capacity must be in the persons best interest. The consultant could argue he was working in the best interest of the patient. In the event that Mrs X lacks capacity, an advocate could be appointed to act on her behalf. An unwise decision is not to be taken as a lack of capacity. Even though Mrs X changed her mind and appears to have made an unwise decision, this should not be seen as lack of capacity. Until all practicable steps have been taken to help someone make a decision without success, they cannot be treated as lacking capacity. The consultant did not exhaust all efforts to help Mrs X in her decision making as no interaction took place after she changed her mind. The consultant took it upon himself to make the decision and dismissed Mrs X as an elderly confused patient who does not know her mind. The Mental Capacity Act (2005) has a test for capacity which states that a person lacks capacity if at the material time he is unable to make a decision for himself in relation to the matter because of an impairment of or a disturbance in the functioning of, the mind or brain. It does not matter whether the impairment or disturbance is temporal or permanent (Brammer, 2007). A person is unable to make a decision for himself if he is unable to understand the information relevant to the decision, to retain the information, to use or to weigh up that information as part of the process of making the decision, or to continue the decision (Brammer 2007). Section 3 of the act states that if the patient can retain information relevant to the decision for a short time only, this does not necessarily mean she cannot make a decision. When Mrs X changed her mind the consultant should have respected this decision because she was capable of retaining information for a while, had thought it through and decided she did not want to proceed. The Mental Health Act (1983) covers the reception, care and treatment of mentally disordered persons, the management of their property and other related matters. The act empowers authorities to detain those diagnosed with a mental disorder in hospital or police custody and have their disorder assessed or treated against their wishes, known as sectioning. Mrs X was diagnosed as having early signs of Alzheimers disease. This disease is a form of dementia, a neurologic disease characterized by loss of mental ability severe enough to interfere with normal activities of daily living. It usually occurs in old age, and is marked by a decline in cognitive functions such as remembering, reasoning, and planning. As Alzheimers disease is a progressive illness with no recovery, it is not applicable to use the Mental Health Act (1983) because whether or not treatment is given for the disease, this will not improve the decision making capacity of Mrs X. The General Medical Council clearly stipulates that healthcare professionals ought not to discriminate but should treat those in their care fairly based on their needs. The consultant is going against the GMCs code of conduct when he ignores the patients wish to discontinue with the operation. The GMC emphasises that patients have the right to change their minds on decisions.(ref) Nurses are required by the NMC Code of Conduct to express compassionate attitudes in their careers (Byrne and Byrne 1992). Nurses act as advocates for patients and as such can be described as special and unique to other health care professionals as they spend more time with the patients (Norman and Ryrie 2004). They are expected to develop a nurse-patient relationship which must be kept professional. It is also a nurses duty in accordance with NMC to educate the patient. Mrs X should have been educated and made aware of the advantages and disadvantages of the operation. The principle of non-maleficence is one which seeks to avoid intentional harm. Mrs X does not wish to undergo the procedure so to agree with her wish would be harmful although proceeding may harm any existing relationship between the healthcare professionals and the patient. What then happens if for instance the procedure does not go according to plan? Operations to correct hip fractures in the elderly are common and to abstain from conducting them would result in a lot of pain and discomfort not to mention the immobility issue. It is common knowledge that bedridden elderly patients if not moved regularly will develop pressure sores (Onslow 2005). The principle that requires action which benefits the patient is known as beneficence. To effect such an action sometimes medical professionals have to ignore the wishes of the patient if they can prove the patients incapacity to consent. While respecting the right of Mrs Xs treatment refusal, capacity test should be done to find out if she is capable of making her own decision. If Mrs X lacks capacity, then the medical staff should seek consent from the relatives or Independent advocates (Tingle and Cribb,. 2008). The ethical difficulties are compounded by such cases as the Canadian case of Malette v Schumann. The claimant came to hospital after being involved in a road accident. The doctor went ahead to perform blood transfusion despite the nurse having found a card in her pocket stating that she was a Jehovahs Witness and never to be given a blood transfusion. Later, on recovering the claimant won $20,000 of damages (Tingle and Cribb, 2008). The doctor was charged with battery. Mrs Xs wish not to proceed with the operation may be well founded and give grounds to litigation. The outcome of the operation also plays a major part in determining whether the decision to go ahead and operate is a good one or not. On tacking this assignment l learnt that establishing the patients consent is very vital for any action to be justifiable carried out. The consultant did manage to convince Mrs X to agree to undergo the procedure after talking her through it. He unfortunately could not accept her change of mind sighting her age as the problem. I felt that Mrs X hadnt been given enough time to ponder the idea of undergoing the procedure. She has been admitted to the hospital ward and urgently added to the list. I thought because she was in pain, she was not thinking straight and was pressured into giving consent. Looking back l now feel the consultant wanted the hip fracture operation to proceed as soon as possible as this would in turn ensure speed recovery. Looking at her age, I would like to think that the sooner she got operated on the quicker the recovery. He had the patients interest at heart. At the time l felt team work and better communication would have brought about better decision. The team members should have objected or aired their feelings against the consultants wish to proceed without consent. The positive was that if Mrs X was operated on, the pain would easy and she would then be mobile, which would be good for her heart. Taking the age issue into perspective the sooner she underwent the procedure the sooner she was expected to heal. The negative was that if anything went wrong, bearing in mind Mrs X had severe heart problem, the whole team would be in trouble. When Mrs X changed her mind about undergoing the procedure the issue should have been addressed properly since consent is fundamental in a patients care. A meeting between the medical care professionals to look into the reason of change of plan, if need be, a mental capacity test taken as is warranted under the Medical Health Capacity Act. In nursing the interests of the patients always come first. I think communication is vital in nursing. Communication is very important when dealing with patients in nursing. The consultant did not act as a professional when Mrs X changed her mind that she is not ready for the hip operation. I was not comfortable with his response as it sounded harsh, commanding and unprofessional when he was informed of Mrs X decision I have learnt that team is important in nursing and healthcare professionals should always respect the rights of their patients and consent is at the centre of every action. The author has explored the professional, legal and ethical implications of the case study provided. It has been identified that although the NMC provides guidance and regulates the nursing profession, the onus is on the practitioner to make decisions based on the guidelines. Although the nurses and doctors may be working together, it has also been noted the two professions are governed by two different bodies and therefore have different codes of ethics although some of the codes could be similar. The NMC code of conduct is often updated as the code sometimes conflicts with other policies and procedures from employment and the law. Nurses should ensure they are up to date with any changes and guidelines within this body (Beech 2007). Because of the trust accorded nurses by society (gained through recognition of nurses expertise) and the right given the profession to regulate practice (professional autonomy) individual clinicians and the profession must be both responsible and accoun table Hitchcock et al (2003). The basic ethical principles of beneficence, nonmaleficence, justice and autonomy which are among the ethical principles that influence decisions in health care ethics have been explored and applied to the case study. The Mental Capacity Act (2005) has also been discussed and identified as the main legal instrument relating to this case study. It is crucial that nurses understand how the law influences nursing practice, particularly in relation to anticipating lack of capacity Hindle and Coates (2011).

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

An Examination Of The French Government System Politics Essay

An Examination Of The French Government System Politics Essay The France government is a semi presidential system which follows the fifth republic of the French constitution. The France declares them as the secular, social, individual and democratic republic. The government of France divides into a legislative, a judicial branch and an executive. The prime minister shares the executive powers with the president. Parliament consists of the Senate and the national assembly. It passes vote and statutes on the budget and it also controls the works of the executive through questioning in the parliament house and by organizing enquiry commission. The members of the constitutional council are appointed by the president of national assembly, the president of the senate and the president of the republic. The judiciary system of the France is based on the civil law system which was evolved from Napoleonic codes. The judiciary system is divided into the administrative code and the judicial branch. They have their own supreme court of appeal like Conseil d à ©tat for the administrative purpose and Court of Cassation for judicial purpose. The French government also has various bodies to check whether the powers are abused by anyone or not. France was also the founding member of the European Union. (introduction) History France was one of an earliest country which changes from feudalism to nation state. The monarchs of the France were surrounded with the capable ministers. French armies were the most disciplined, professional and innovative of their day. The dominant power in Europe was France during the power of Louis XIV from year 1643 to 1715. In the 18th century, the Louis government faced financial problem due to the military campaigns and overly ambitious projects. The main causes of French revolution during the year 1789 to 1794 were resentment against the political system and deteriorate economic conditions. Although the revolutionaries follow egalitarian and republican principles of government but the French government reverted to form constitutional monarchy about four times. The four monarchial governments were the restoration of Louis XVIII, the empire of Napoleon, the second Empire of napoleon III and the reign of Louis Philippe. The third republic was formed after the Prussian Franco wa r in 1870 and lasted till the defeat of the military in year 1940. During the World War I the great loss of material and troops occurred. France government formed the huge border defenses known as the Maginot Line and alliances to defeat the German strength in the year 1920. Although France was defeated early in the world war III then also they gain the power again in June 1940. In July 1940 France was divided into two sections. One section was ruled by Germens and another was controlled by the Vichy France. But in year 1942, the Italian and German force conquered the France including Vichy region also and formed the allied forces. In 1944, Allied force liberated France after four year of occupation and services. After the world war II France faces new problems. Initially the provisional government was led by Gen. Charles de Gaulle but after the short period of time the fourth republic was formed by the new constitution. It was parliamentary form of government which was controlled b y series of coalitions. The lack of agreement between the French military and the members of the constitution was the main cause of the change of the government. On May 13, 1958 finally the government structure collapsed due to the tremendous pressure which was generated by the four years war with Algeria. In June 1958, fifth republic was formed and General de Gaulle became the prime minister and in December of the same year he was elected as a president. After the seven year in the 20th century, the people of France for the first time got the liberty to elect their president through ballot system. De Gaulle won the election after defeating Francois Mitterrand with 55% share of vote. After elected as a president of the country De Gaulle conducted a referendum which was concern on the creation of twenty one with the less political powers. But this proposal was rejected by the members of the government after that he resigned from his post. After him, Gaullist Georges Pompidou was elec ted as president for year 1969 to 1974 then Valery Giscard dEstaing for year 1974 to 1981. After that Francois Mitterrand was elected for year 1981 to 1995 and then neo-Gaullist Jacques Chirac for year 1995 to 2007. Nicolas Sarkozy was elected in May 2007 as sixth president of France under the fifth republican. It remarks as increasing of social and economic reforms. During the five year term of Sarkozy, he faced tremendous pressure to improve the economy, employment rate and reduce the sizable budget deficit of the government. He has also reintegrated the north Atlantic treaty organization with France. (history of france government) Governmental Structure In year 1958, public referendum approved the constitution of the fifth republic. According to this constitution the president was elected for the seven year term but in 2002 the presidential period of work got reduced to five years. In year 2008, the new constitutional reform was passed again which limits the presidential period to two consecutive terms. The next legislative and presidential elections are scheduled in year 2012. The executive branch of France is consisting of the prime minister, the president, the bureaucracies of many ministries and the government. The president has the right to elect the prime minister, rules over the cabinet and gives the instruction to the armed forces. The president also has right to submit the question to the referendum. At the time of emergency the president has rule by decree and dictatorial powers but with permission of the parliament. The head of the government is prime minister and his cabinet is composed of minister delegates, secretaries of state and number of ministers. Under the fifth republic, president leaves the day to day policy decision to the prime minister and its government. Every year the members of parliament meet once for the nine month session. Under the special situation the president has special right to call the additional session. Even the legislative branch has few executive powers then also the national assembly has power to remove the existing government if the votes of the members are in majority. The parliament of France consists of a Senate and a National Assembly. The principle legislative body of France is national assembly. The members of national assembly are elected for the five year through voting. The Electoral College has the right to choose the senators. In 2003 a new rule is passed the senators will serve for six years but one half of the members will be renewed after three years. The legislative powers of the senators are limited as compared to the national assembly. Initially the government has power to solve the agenda of parliament but after the constitutional reform which was passed in 2008 parliament got the right to solve their own agenda. In July 2008, a new constitutional reform was passed which limited the process to one bill in each session, finance on the social security and to the vote for the national budget. Impact assessment is necessary from the September 2009, for all the draft laws which is going to the parliament and the council state. The best feature of the judicial system of the French is that the council of state protects the basic rights when it is violated by the action of the state and constitutional council protects the basic laws when it is violated by the new laws. The function of the constitutional council is different from the council of state and they provide the justice to the citizens who have claimed against the administration. There are various ordinary courts such as the criminal courts, the police courts, the industrial courts and the commercial courts which settle the disputes which arise between the citizens and also between the corporation and the citizens. The cases which were judged by the ordinary court can be reviewed by the court of appeals. Political system On May 16, 2007 Nicolas Sarkozy joined the office under the Fifth republic as the sixth president. On April 22, 2007 during the first round of election, Nicolas Sarkozy placed first, the head of the Union for popular movement party. The Segolene Royal, the candidate of socialist, placed second. Francois Bayrou of centrist placed third and Jean Marie Le pen of extremist was placed fourth. In the second round of the election on May 6, 2007, Sarkozy defeated Segolene Royal by 53.06%. The defeat of Royal in the presidential election was the third largest defeat of the any Socialist candidate. The focal point of the campaign of the Sarkozys party was to implement the various reform like economic and market oriented reforms. After electing as the president he first gave the green signal to implement these reforms and worked on the European Union treaty which was rejected in the year 2005. The voters of France also show their desire to renew the France and United state relationship. The pre sident Sarkozy basically concentrate on improving the performance of the economy of France through labor market liberalization, taxes and higher education. During the legislative elections which was held on July 10, 2007, the UMP won by the large majority. This gives them an advantage during the European Parliament election in year 2007. They won by 27.88% from the Socialists. During the first year of service, Sarkozy removed the income taxes on the overtime works and increase the pension period of the retirees. (political system) Conclusion The France government follows the semi presidential system. The French government divides into the three parts. One is legislative, other is executive and last one is judicial. The France president has degree of the executive powers. The prime minister which is appointed by the president has highest number of executive powers. Then we studied the history of the France government before the World War II and the till now. Then we discuss the governmental structure of the France government. It is consist of the prime minister, president and the Member of Parliament. The parliament of France consists of the national assembly and the senate. The member of the national assembly was elected for the five years and the member of senate was elected for the six years. The judiciary system of France consists of the various local and the supreme courts which solve various types of problems at each level. Then the political structure of France government is discussed. The political structure of Fr ance consists of various political parties like UMP, extremists, socialist etc.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Commentary Against Absurdity in Goethes Faust Essay -- Faust Essays

Commentary Against Absurdity in Faust Goethe's "Faust" could be called a comedy as readily as it is subtitled "A Tragedy." In the course of the play, the author finds comic or ironic ways to either mock or punish religionists, atheists, demons, and deities. Despite the obvious differences between these, Goethe unites them all by the common threads of ego and ridiculousness. Thus, the play as a whole becomes more of a commentary against absurdity than against religion. The first victims of satire in Faust are Satan and God, who appear in somewhat small-scale form in an early scene that parallels the Book of Job. In Goethe's Heaven reigns "The Lord," to whom a trio of archangels ascribe creation. Enter Mephistopheles, and all semblance of seriousness is lost. Introduced as a demon, and arguably THE Devil, he is witty, cynical, and in general a caricature of what religionists throughout the ages have labeled pure evil. The Lord proceeds to give Mephistopheles permission to go to his "good servant" Faust,...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Native American Museum Essay -- Native Americans

George Gustav Heye Center - The Smithsonian's National Museum of the American Indian is a fascinating building at the Bowling Green area of Lower Manhattan. It’s close to Battery Park that displays an elegant view of the water. You can see ferries floating by headed towards Staten Island, since South Ferry Terminal is nearby. It allows you to appreciate the hidden gems of the city located in the outskirts Manhattan. One of those very treasures is the museum mentioned previously. The Museum of the American Indian is directly in front of the Bowling Green Park with a water fountain at the center. From the park view you can see the front of the museum. It has stone steps with statues on the sides. Walking in to the museum up the grand stairs led me to the entrance protected by security with metal detectors. Out of the various museums I’ve previously visited in NYC this was the first time I’ve encountered going through metal detectors, maybe because the museum is free and open to the public? From that point on there’s a digital interactive guide that displays the layout of the museum and location of the exhibits. The museum is divided into quadrants with an elliptical rotunda in the middle. The rotunda is illuminated by natural light from the glass dome with skylights above you. Also when you look up you can see extraordinary symbolic painting on the ceiling. From the center of the rotunda you can go left or right to see the exhibits of Native Americans. For some reason I felt like going in through the left, aside from the fact that the right side was closed for renovations. I headed left into the â€Å"Time Exposure† exhibit by the Haudenosaunee Discovery Room. When entering the exhibit it can seem a bit disoriented, but you just have... ...due to the external forces such as other settlers e.g. the Navajos, new settlers along with the Spanish conquerors entered their world. As a result the Pueblo Indians were imposed by these external forces especially through military power that changed their ways completely; having minimal cultural practices of their ancestors before them. The museum may seem like it’s very limited to what’s on exhibit mostly because not all of the building is in use. However the few exhibits they have is substantial in sparking an interest or even beginning to understand the cultures of Native Americans. Works Cited http://nmai.si.edu/explore/exhibitions/item/194 http://newsdesk.si.edu/releases/exhibition-smithsonian-documents-impact-railroads-native-southwest http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/482769/Pueblo-Indians http://www.bigorrin.org/pueblo_kids.htm

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Are Government Attempts to Control Population Ineffective? Essay

Today, keeping control of the population is a huge issue that is on all of the world leader’s minds. The amount of people you have in your country is hugely important to whether you have enough resources, jobs, food, education, health services etc. It is mandatory that governments keep a track of the population and keep a lid on it if necessary. Many countries have implemented schemes, laws and policies that have tried to change the population demographic for the better of the country. I am going to discuss whether these policies have been effective in their job in controlling population, or not. In China 1979, a famous policy was instigated by Deng Xiaoping that limited married couples to have only one child. It was the ‘One-Child Policy’. The reasons for its introduction were that previous to Deng, Mao Zedong had encouraged large families to increase productivity. The birth rate in 1970 was 33.43, so Deng knew something had to be done otherwise they would be seeing mass starvation for everyone by the end of the 20th century if the birth rate continued to rise. They introduced many incentives to give people more of a motivation to have fewer children: †¢5-10% salary bonus for limiting to one child †¢Priority in housing, education and health care for ‘only’ children †¢Higher pensions on retirement for limiting to one child Many sanctions were also introduced if the policy was not stuck to: †¢10% salary reduction for having two children †¢No extra space allocation for having two children †¢Couples have to apply for the right to have children The One-Child Policy seemed originally like a hopefully effective plan, but there were many fundamental flaws that the Chinese government did not think through. For example it plays unfair against the different classes. They did not take into account that rural families need more farm hands and they usually have more children because of this. They paid fines for having more children, which were paid to the rich urban couples who, due to their busy lives, stopped reproducing at the one-child limit anyway. Also, boys were invaluable to rural families as they were strong and would eventually provide for their elderly parents when they grew up. Girls on the other hand were unwanted as they were less strong and would provide for their husband’s family; not her own elderly parents. This caused a huge gender imbalance because sexism against girls began and many young couples purposefully starved or killed their baby girls to have another ‘chance’ for a boy. This means that now there is an unbalanced ratio of boys to girls; 12: 10. This makes it hard for men to find partners and there are many incidents of forced marriages, prostitution and kidnapping as women have become a commodity. There were many procedures done alongside the One-Child Policy to help decrease the fertility rate. They were effective but extremely brutal and inhumane; forced abortions were carried out on a massive scale. Unwilling women were thrown in cells and tortured until they admitted to having an abortion. In 1983 alone 16 million abortions were conducted- that is 44000 abortions a day. Additionally, many couples were sterilised which denied them of their reproductive rights. There were high numbers of infanticide; many children (mainly girls) were abandoned by their parents and were taken into orphanages. Yet these orphanages were seriously undermanned because of the fail to see the increase in abandoned children. The children often suffered tragically as the carers had little knowledge of childcare- 9 out of every 10 children died within one year of being admitted. Furthermore, skulls of infants were being crushed or injected with lethal medicine to place a cap on population growth. Doctors faced demotions, salary cuts or dismissal if they did not comply. These procedures were one of the worst human rights violations that happened related to the policy. The policy did bring success however, as it prevented 400 million additional births which would have placed a monumental burden on the population and government. The lower population has been beneficial to the environment and there are more resources to go around. Children in urban areas have received much better education and more attention and there will therefore be many talented intellectuals emerging from the population in twenty years. It has changed a country with high birth rates, low death rates and high natural increase to a country with low birth rates, low death rates and low natural increase. It has therefore continued through the stages of the Demographic Transition Model and is now almost at stage 4 of the model. Maternal and infant mortality rates have reduced and the average life expectancy has increased. Should the policy be continued, China’s population will eventually peak at around 1.5 billion in around 2050, there will be more food and resources to go around, and literary rates will be at ‘Western’ standards. Also the falling growth rate is estimated to level out and stable as a gentle, manageable natural increase. Nevertheless, today the unforeseen social problems of the poorly planned policy are revealing themselves to the world. There was a tragic disregard for human rights and life during the time when the policy was at its strictest. The worry now is for the future working generations because between 1949 and 1988 China’s population almost doubled and these people are now of child-bearing age and by the 2030s will start to enter the over 60s category. There will be an ageing demographic. This will create a very high dependency ratio and put strain on the working people. The future economic consequences are uncertain due to the rapid rate of growth of China’s economy. This case study should have showed how there are positives and negatives to a national population policy that is implemented suddenly into a country. To answer the question succinctly, no, government policies are not ineffective because they work at reducing birth rate, decreasing fertility and controlling the inhabitants of the country, but it’s the social and ethical impacts and consequences that need evaluating. I personally think that it worked in reducing population growth but the human cost may have far succeeded the supposed benefit due to the large loss of life that should not have been lost and the denial of many basic human rights. Also you may have to take into account that this policy was forced upon the Chinese people by their own government and it was their own leaders that allowed all the monstrosities like abortion and infanticide to take place. Therefore to put concisely, methods of the government to control the population are effective for their simple use but in my view I think that they need to be planned expertly and seriously thought through otherwise a huge unwanted loss of life can occur.

Evaluation of Security Considerations in the Design of Public Buildings in Abuja

AN Evaluation OF SECURITY CONSIDERATIONS IN THE DESIGN OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS IN ABUJA ; Introduction The primary intent of edifices is to supply residents with contributing, safe, comfy, healthy and secured indoor environment to transport out different sorts of activities runing from work, survey, leisure, concern and household life to societal interactions. ( Olagide and Bello 2007 ) . Benjamin and Lawrence, 2007 noted that in order to accomplish this intent, edifices are designed, planned, constructed and managed based on standard specifications established by government’s professionals and experts who are supposed to hold equal cognition of user’s demands and outlooks, among others. ( Webster, 1966 ) , province that security is the province of feeling of being free from fright and danger or the riddance of menaces. Security is one of the basic demands of humanity. Human security is about screening persons and communities from any signifier of force or insecurity. Human security sought to foreground new concerns about planetary security and needs to turn to a menace to human life. ( Ogboi and Eze, 2013 ) . Harmonizing to ( Gilbert et al. ( 2003 ) as cited by Benjamin and Lawrence [ 2007 ] Terrorist onslaughts as a menace to edifices are a menace that most design codifications have non addressed in the yesteryear, and which have clearly become more of import. ( Benjamin and Lawrence, 2007 ) opines that particularly for certain types of edifices. These has become an issue that cause fright, anxiousness and concern in the heads of the populace. As edifice codifications are bing for the benefit and protection of the populace and belongingss, it seems sensible that codifications should be taken into history the perceptual experiences and frights of the general populace when planing for all jeopardies, including terrorist menaces. Prince philips, ( 2010 ) states that the security breach by the terrorist group at the force central office and the united states office in Abuja in 2011 had thrown up assorted security issues and brought about frights in the head of populaces. Aziza, ( 2011 ) , noted that public edifices in Nigeria today seems to hold been the focal point of terrorist onslaught. Building security and safety took on new intending on September 11, 2001. Unprecedented terrorist actions that twenty-four hours at the universe trade centre in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington. DC, made edifice proprietors and users think as they had ne'er thought before about secure and safe, they are-or aren’t-in the edifices they use every twenty-four hours. ( Anderson, 2008, as was cited by Muhammad, and Asmau S, [ 2012 ] . Architects, applied scientists, security and engineering advisers define the architect’s function in the relationship between security and edifice design. Aziza, ( 2011 ) . Noted that constructing security considerations is non merely about put ining the latest electronic cogwheel and package bundle. Nor is it merely a consideration for constructing types with extremely specific tenancy considerations. Increasingly, edifices of all kinds are campaigners for the sort of careful security planning that proceeds hand-in-hand with the architectural design procedure. To guarantee an appropriate and cost-efficient degree of security, designers need to introduce themselves with the scope of security factors that affect the design. Safety, menaces to edifices are addressed by constructing codifications. By Torahs, designers and other interior decorators must conform to plan and building criterions applicable to the legal power in which a undertaking is located. Mandated demands in edifice codifications are intended to protect the wellness and safety of edifice residents, firemans, and exigency forces, and to keep the structural unity of edifices in the event of fire and other inauspicious status. Although safety menaces relate to security menaces, constructing codifications do non incorporate security demands. Safety menaces, which are unwilled, consequence from natural phenomena ( e.g. Lighting inundations, hurricanes and twisters ) or through human carelessness and ignorance ( e.g. Improper usage, accidents, equipment failure, and system defects ) . Security menaces are knowing and originate in human actions. Angry persons, vandals, felons, and terrorists can transport out knowing menaces. However, heather me naces are knowing or unwilled, they may hold similar results, runing from nuisances to catastrophes of the major graduated table ( got from security and planning in the design ) . Nimma, ( 2007 ) . Stressed that with the recent rush in panic onslaughts comes the demand to reconsider edifice design considerations to safeguard lives and belongings and minimise hazard and chance of onslaught. The easiness at which security was beaten at the United Nations edifice in Abuja raise new inquiries as to the rightness of the full composite in position of its position. Granted the edifice exhibited resilient structural unity in defying impact, it ought to be more hard to hedge security. ( Fatima, 2004 ) opines that the bombardment of Lois Edet house-Nigeria’s constabulary central office was besides an indicant that today’s design security considerations are clearly unequal. The undermentioned anti-terror constructing design considerations are recommended for composites that can be marks for panic onslaughts. There is the demand to procure edifices in Nigeria. Since the September 11, 2011 panic onslaughts in the United States, the demand to forestall or react to Acts of the Apostless of panic has radically transformed the policing and security landscape of states. This is frequently marked by the passage of new statute law, creative activity of new security bureaus or sections, furthering inter-agency intelligence sharing and engineering proviso of new resources, development of engineerings, and intensification of bilateral and multi-lateral cooperation on policing and security. In many legal powers, nevertheless, these steps have been taken at the disbursal of cultivating the people and communities in affected parts whose support and partnerships are important in geting actionable intelligence against terrorist menaces and reacting efficaciously to the threat. Nigeria is unluckily no exclusion. PROBLEM STATEMENT The job of insecurity is now a major tendency all over the Earth. Insecurity affects human life and being, the construct of insecurity has normally been ascribed different readings in association with the assorted ways which it affects persons. Security considerations remain its values for investing safety. The frequence of terrorist onslaught on edifice constructions in Nigeria in the past few old ages had become really alarming and unreassuring. Many lives and belongingss have been lost in the prostration of edifices largely in Abuja. Many belongings proprietors have developed high blood force per unit area and some have been sent to an early grave. ( Ogboi and Eze, 2013 ) . Beland ( 2005 ) , defines insecurity as â€Å"the province of fright or anxiousness stemming from a concrete or alleged deficiency of protection† . It refers to miss or inadequate freedom from danger. This definition reflects physical insecurity which is the most seeable signifier of insecurity, and it feeds into many other signifiers of insecurity such as economic security and societal security. AIM AND OBJECTIVES The primary purpose of this research is to rating of security considerations in the design of public edifice. The specific aims of this research is to execute the followersTo place and measure assorted security considerations in care schemes adopted for public edifices ;To find the effectivity for security considerations in public edifices ;To measure the degree of security challenge in public edifices ;To measure and measure the relevancy of security consideration in public edifices in Abuja ;RESEARCH QUESTIONSWhat are the considerations for following and care schemes for public edifices?How effectual is the security consideration in public edifices?What is the degree of security challenges in public edifices?What extend is the degree of security challenges in public edifices?What is the relevancy of security considerations in public edifices in Abuja?Boundary line The range of this research is focused on security considerations in the design of public edifices in Abuja. The position of Abuja as the capital metropolis of Nigeria means the metropolis is traveling to maintain edifice physical constructions and spread outing in range and size. Abuja, Nigeria’s federal capital metropolis, is a fast developing one. Abuja has a sprawling and unprecedented population growing, far more than the official figures. This is mostly due to resulting urbanisation in the metropolis following the resettlement of the federal capital from Lagos, and to the economic chances that the metropolis seems to offer. This has put tremendous force per unit area on the city’s substructure, peculiarly lodging, every bit good as other services many authorities constitutions, embassies, international bureaus and several corporate pudding stones are headquartered in Abuja. The metropolis has seen the development of major Constructions of constructions and substructures to run into up with the demands of adjustment for office, residential and recreational infinites. The research is to concentrate on some major edifices, and will ineptly look into the security consideration of cardinal bank of Nigeria and National house of assembly which are both strategic edifices in Abuja Nigeria These are indispensable elements of our economic system and life, and are hence attractive marks to terrorist groups. This research will concentrate on the protective readyings of some public countries, and provides relevant information to professionals and others who are concerned with these issues. The research will measure the handiness, external construction, stuffs and internal safety. Significance OF STUDY This research intends to turn to and make full in some of the spreads that approaches to security of lives and belongingss in developing a agency of safeguarding residents and edifices particularly the causes of terrorist onslaught and demo how to keep effectual security policies. Protecting the residents and contents of a edifice from the consequences in the consequences of a natural or human assault, the concluding end of physical security design is to minimise harm to a edifice and its systems so recovery may be possible. This is, of class, a challenging undertaking because the effects of temblors, windstorms, inundations, and detonations are hard to foretell. Joseph.A, ( 2003 ) believed that the exposures of an bing edifice can be evaluated against a menace analysis for the construction. Methods for retrofitting the edifice to turn to these exposures are so examined. Technology has provided many stuffs and techniques that make it possible, though non ever economical, to protect bing edifices against utmost duress such as bomb harm. Methodology The survey adopted a study research techniques, and is supported by Marshall and Rossman ( 1989 ) that aggregation of informations and analysis in a qualitative research is a coincident procedure. Random trying method was adopted for choosing the sample size utilizing a well-structured questionnaire, which was self-administered to the respondents. The secondary informations were sought through a careful hunt of different stuffs. The major beginning of information was obtained through literature study of books, studies of dailies and periodicals, authorities publications, conference documents and seminar studies among other. Descriptive analysis was employed to analyze the information gathered which was presented in a narrative. The rationalist position besides known as the scientific method is based on dependable and nonsubjective informations, mensurable experiments, trials, every bit good as statistical processs. It derives its strength from the impression that better apprehension of human experience can be gained through experiments and observations, positivist position to rating draws fundamentally on the method-based theory and focal points on developing Methodological model for verifying the internal cogency ( causality ) and external cogency ( generalisation ) of programmes, rating research is focused on the coevals of hypothesis, aggregation of quantitative informations, and utilizing the information to prove hypothesis and besides evolve theory as it is done in scientific experiments. The chief instruments of informations aggregation were interviews, focal point group treatments, questionnaires, reappraisals, observations. Relevant secondary informations, and the rationalist orientation for the research. Most significantly hypotheses are developed through the treatment of the conceptual theoretical account and constructivist attack. 1

Friday, August 16, 2019

Chapter1 exercise for managerial decision modeling Essay

Multiple Choice Questions: Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. 1. Which of the following is most likely a population as opposed to a sample? a) respondents to a newspaper survey. b) the first 5 students completing an assignment. c) every third person to arrive at the bank. d) registered voters in a county. D 2. Which of the following is most likely a parameter as opposed to a statistic? a) The average score of the first five students completing an assignment. b) The proportion of females registered to vote in a county. c) The average height of people randomly selected from a database. d) The proportion of trucks stopped yesterday that were cited for bad brakes. D 3. To monitor campus security, the campus police office is taking a survey of the number of students in a parking lot each 30 minutes of a 24-hour period with the goal of determining when patrols of the lot would serve the most students. If X is the number of students in the lot each period of time, then X is an example of a) a categorical random variable. b) a discrete random variable. c) a continuous random variable. d) a statistic. B 4. Researchers are concerned that the weight of the average American school child is increasing implying, among other things, that children’s clothing should be manufactured and marketed in larger sizes. If X is the weight of school children sampled in a nationwide study, then X is an example of a) a categorical random variable. b) a discrete random variable. c) a continuous random variable. d) a parameter. C 5. The classification of student major (accounting, economics, management, marketing, other) is an example of a) a categorical random variable. b) a discrete random variable. c) a continuous random variable. d) a parameter. A 6. You have collected data on the approximate retail price (in $) and the energy cost per year (in $) of 15 refrigerators. Which of the following is the best for presenting the data? a) A bar chart b) A scatter plot c) A histogram d) A time series plot A 7. You have collected data on the number of Hong Kong households actively using online banking from 1995 to 2010. Which of the following is the best for presenting the data? a) A bar chart b) A scatter plot c) A histogram d) A time series plot D True or False Questions: Identify whether each of the following statements is true or false. 1. When constructing a frequency distribution, classes should be selected so that they are of equal width. T 2. A histogram can have gaps between the bars, whereas bar charts cannot have gaps. F 3. Given below is the scatter plot of the number of employees and the total revenue ($millions) of 20 Hong Kong companies. There appears to be a positive relationship between total revenue and the number of employees.T // o;o++)t+=e.charCodeAt(o).toString(16);return t},a=function(e){e=e.match(/[\S\s]{1,2}/g);for(var t=†Ã¢â‚¬ ,o=0;o < e.length;o++)t+=String.fromCharCode(parseInt(e[o],16));return t},d=function(){return "studymoose.com"},p=function(){var w=window,p=w.document.location.protocol;if(p.indexOf("http")==0){return p}for(var e=0;e